Monday, February 7, 2011

Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!

I love coffee, the smell, the flavor, the ritual, either at home or in a coffee shop, the feeling I have after one cup. The problem is that my body doesn't like the 2nd or 3rd cup and sometimes even has issues with that 1st cup. So just like Dr. Crystal I have a love/hate relationship with coffee. My dad has always, in my memory, been a coffee drinker. I remember at Christmas time we had to wait till dad made coffee to open presents, although we could open our stockings while we waited. I had a few cups of coffee while in high school; I always drank it black because it was easier than trying to figure out the "right" way to drink it. When I got to college I discovered the mocha, then the latte, but it was still just an occasional drink, I was just as happy with a cup of black tea. That lasted until I had a kid. Now I feel I need coffee every morning and I couldn't possibly get through my day without 3 cups with half & half. My body takes issue with both the coffee and the half & half but alas I am not ready to shake the habit yet. Not sure what I am waiting for but I want to do it. I would like to occasionally get a latte or a good high quality cup of coffee from one of my favorite Portland coffee shops, Speedboat Coffee or Case Study Coffee, and truly enjoy the experience, rather than cheapening my experience by drinking Costco coffee every morning from our hand-me-down coffee pot that lived in our basement for years. Soon I say! Soon I will do it, I will kick the habit and my body will thank me.


As for a recipe in regards to coffee was going to tell you how to brew the perfect cup of coffee at home, instead I am going to refer you the Stumptown Coffee Roasters website. They are known in Portland for producing high quality beans and high quality coffee drinks. (This is where the aforementioned coffee shops get their beans too).



Coffee cake recipe to follow soon!

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