Saturday, January 23, 2010

The End – Chef Brett

Well I intended to update everyday throughout my cleanse but as usual life happened. On day three I got a cold. My husband asked if I was going to stop doing the cleanse, but since sugar, coffee, dairy, and alcohol are not good for colds either I decided to push through. My doctor, Dr. Crystal, recommended I add a little more protein to my regimen but otherwise lots of fruits, vegetables, and water. So here I am 11:30pm on day five and I feel pretty good.

I didn't lose any weight (I don't think, since we don't own a scale) but I do feel more energized, even though I have had a cold. When I weighed myself today at Dr. Crystal's office I did feel pretty bummed, I have only lost 13 pounds since my son was born almost two years ago, but Dr. Crystal pointed out that I have only been eating this way for 5 days and since I was sick I didn't really get any exercise. So my intention is to continue to restrict my alcohol, sugar, and dairy consumption and limit my carbs to good, whole carbs like oatmeal and Ezekiel bread. If I need a chocolate fix I will indulge, in moderation, and, when offered, I will try to only have one slice of my neighbor's homemade bread that they make multiple times a week. I will be drinking coffee again. I didn't have too hard a time with the no caffeine but I ENJOY having a cup of coffee in the morning with half and half and a drop of orange oil, and I don't see any reason to not have it right now.

So for my first cleanse I feel that it was a good experience and next year I will do it again (if I'm not pregnant – before anyone jumps to any conclusions there is no plan it is just a possibility).

If any of you out there plan to do a cleanse good luck to you, the results are worth it!

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